Friday, June 18, 2010

Making It Back

Today's the day!  The day I actually catch a plane back to Colorado. 

Mom came in asking me to check the status my flight yesterday.  I looked it up and with nasty Crest Whitestrips all in my mouth and asked her, "Wait. What does that say?  Can you read that date?" 
"It says 6/15-June 15th'
"Yeah, and what date is it today?!"
Which is the exact moment that I knew I had royally messed up and that the amount of teasing I would be soon getting from my family would probably be worse than plopping down more money for a new ticket.

I called Priceline.  I called United Air.  I called Priceline again, all the while trying to sound as pitiful as humanly possible.  But no, no such luck with the pity department because I had "Named My Own Price" for a ticket, it was non-negotiable if I fucked something up.  My parents are moving to New Mexico next Tuesday and we talked about me hitching a ride in their U-Haul caravan...this is driving across the country with a Dalmatian, a parrot, and two adults who "passionately discuss" (ie. argue) about everything under the sun.  I was all for it since it would probably be the cheapest option, I love my parents, and I figured I might as well get used to being in a car.  But my step-father was super sweet and got me a new one-way ticket back to Colorado...going home always turns me back into the spacey teenager I once was.

Thanks Mom and Ely for taking care of me...
Gordon Osmundson Photograph

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