Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Wake Surfing On Navajo Lake

In the last week we’ve had more time to experience the finer things in Arboles life instead of just busting ass on Breathless—like boating.  Quick history lesson about the Navajo Lake:
For years four small towns—Tiffany, Allison, Rosa, and Arboles—lay in the basin of the Pine River Valley.  Then the government decided to damn up the pre-existing lake and flood the valley to store more water for irrigation purposes..  All of the little towns had to relocate to the bluffs above the lake and archaeologists went to work to excavate all the old Indian ruins and grave sites.  So now the lake is over 38 miles long and all the little towns are in new locations.

We went out on Andy and Lauren’s boat to try our hand at wake surfing.  It’s kind of like wakeboarding, in that you get up out of the water the same way, but then when you are up on the board you surf the wake close to the boat.  It’s tricky enough so that when you finally get it you feel like a bit of a bad-ass, but easy enough that you can get it in a day.  We spent all day out on that boat listening to the only two cds that would work in the stereo—Willie Nelson and Macy Grey.  And of course, a couple days later I’m still totally sore.

Yesterday I stole away to have a girl’s boating trip with Laura Walton and her niece while the boys went to do some recording with their old band 6 Cents.  They should have some audio soon and I’ll post it up.  On the boat Laura, Keely, and I did some tubing and some fishing.  I learned that as an adult it’s best not to sit butt down in the tube like a little kid.  While they’re slinging you all around the water and your butt is just stuck right down there, it’s the most thorough non-professional enema ever.  Word to the wise: lay on top of the tube, stomach down.  Haha, cleansing aside, it was a blast!  Especially when it was topped off with dinner and steamy stories from Laura’s party days…being an extra in a film with Poison’s Brett Michaels and Wayne Newton and getting rescued from Brett’s advances by cheeseburgers in Wayne’s trailer…
Map via Rizuto's  
Photo via American Southwest

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