Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Art Of Taking Off

As we were gearing up in Austin for the trip, we seemed to get two reactions about this endeavor.  The most common response was, “Wow, that sounds awesome!  Good luck with that.  Wish I could go traveling like that…”  I really wanted to say, “Well, let me tell you how: You decide on a date.  Start saving and don’t make plans that extend past that date so there are no excuses for backing out.  Oh, and watch SurfWise and read Vagabonding, those will help too.”

I think that not making long-term plans was the hardest thing for me.  Whenever I would get stressed out that we weren’t saving enough money, I would look in the employment ads.  That was just a waste of time though because I didn’t want to apply for some kick-ass job that would be an excuse for flaking out on the trip.  I also told everyone I knew about this thing in an attempt to make sure I followed through; one of the things I absolutely hate to do is explain why I flaked out on something…the more people I tell, I figure, the more pressure I put on myself to follow through.

The least frequent response—usually given by well-meaning family members—would be, “Why are you doing that?  What about your careers?  Why just put everything on hold while you go gallivanting around?”  But right now seems like the best time to do this sort of thing since none of us had any real responsibilities, nor anything that we couldn’t easily reclaim in a year. 

It seems like there are several people doing some epic adventure at the moment.  The other day Dan and I went into Durango for some errands and we ran into this behemoth of a vehicle at the gas station.  The guy said that he and his wife were driving around the world in this huge thing.  They started in Michigan and we’re driving south to the tip of South America to take a ferry across to South Africa; the ferry ride alone would take them several weeks.  They are keeping up a blog called EcoRoamer.
Kurt from EcoRoamer
Another friend of a friend, Charlie Faye, is traveling across the US for a year doing a music project in which she’s creating a new band in 10 different cities.  I don’t believe she has a blog in order to keep up with her, but she is planning to record an entire album out of her travels.

Apparently, now is the time to travel… 

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