Friday, October 29, 2010

Sunday Outting

Conner and I spent two nights at the Biblical Zion campground north of Chicago after we dropped Dan off at the airport as he moved to upstate New York.  But the $25 a night price tag was more than we could bear to spend and once again we searched for a place to stay outside of town.  A distant relative of my step-father miraculously pulled through and hooked us up with his high-school friend from 40 years prior.  An older literary couple, Mary and Pat Kerrigan were so terribly sweet to let a couple of strangers camp out with them in Crete, Illinois. 

We took the tram in to town one Sunday since the only thing we had really seen of Chicago had been glimpsed from the car window.  We spent most of the day wandering around without any agenda; we stumbled upon a Chinese festival, a children's festival sponsored by Target, and the Summer Dance.  It was a beautiful city and would have loved to spend a bit more time there.  Conner and I decided that we would definitely have to come back--but when we had more money.  It's a big city with big city prices and as I have inherited my father's expensive taste, I tend to want to throw caution to the wind and spend what money we had on a nice Chicago dinner.  However Conner's way more pragmatic than I and promised that one day we would return and splurge on a really nice dinner-but just not now.
Chicago view from Millennium Park
Sampling the famous Chicago architecture
Cloud Gate, sculpture by Anish Kapoor in Millennium Park.  Conner and I are in the middle.
The Chicago Summer Dance.  The cutest thing ever!  On the last Sunday of every month (if I'm not mistaken) Chicago hosts a communal dance.  They had a big band and a jazz singer and everyone came out and danced the afternoon away.  Cuteness.
A super stylish couple at the Summer Dance.

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