Friday, June 11, 2010

Texas In Song

I know there are tons of amazing musicians originally from Texas (Roy Orbison, Berry White, Beyonce, Buddy Holly).  I learned this only after moving to Austin three years ago and experiencing the immense pride that they have for being born a Texan; I think the level of pride one has for their state of origin must by proportional to the size of state land mass.  I mean, they've got the state seal on all road overpass pylons, "Texas" gets thrown into business names as much as possible with "Texas Thrift Store" and "Texas Cleaners", and I've never seen so many state inspired tattoos.

With all this Texas flying around I couldn't help but notice when it came up in song lyrics.  Here's a small list of my favorite "Texas" songs.
Are there any other Texas songs that I should know about? Please do send them my way...


  1. "That's right (You're not from Texas)" Lyle (ugh) Lovett?

  2. Oh yeah! That's right. Sweet, I'll add it to the Texan pile. And I've been working on my Kickstarter mess, so thank so very much for mentioning to me!

  3. Awesome! I'm posting a Kickstarter project soon too. We could do a "I'll fund yours if you fund mine!". Let me know how it's going.

    Lyle Lovett seems just so cheesy. But I don't know if Texans think he is the genuine article. What about Kinky Freidman (I think that's his name) know, the Jewish cowboy who ran for governor? I bet HE'S got a great Texas song...
