Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Rockabilly Band In The Making

C and D said they would teach me to sing on this trip and that once I felt confident we could form a Rockabilly band and hit up all the classic car shows.  This would be awesome!  I can't express how much I adore the whole Rockabilly aesthetic and sound--pure love.

Now, I don't think I'm total shit in the vocal chord department, I just don't have much confidence and I'll tell you why.  When I was in 7th grade we went on a field trip to the coast of North Carolina.  I had on my headphones and was singing along to Aerosmith's song, Pink.  As this was in the pre-sound canceling headphones era, I could still hear the people around me and I heard one girl say, "Geez, I wish she would stop cuz she sure can't sing." Sting.  Haha, 7th grade sucks.  Ever since then I haven't really sung in front of anyone.  It's high time I get over that and in preparation I've been listening to some of the songs below for inspiration.

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